The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 929: Inigo B

Heey, Gerome! Roamin' Gerome! The paaale rider!


I've got something to say to you, buddy!

I don't care.

Well, you may as well start walking, because I'm going to say it anyway:

What's with the whole aloof bit, huh? Think you're too good for us?

I have no interest in fraternizing. ...Least of all with you.

Look, nobody's asking you to be a social butterfly like Lissa. But we're allies, you know? You could at least try to be a little bit friendly! ...Even with me.

"Allies"? ...Do you expect me to rely on you in combat? To team up with you? Your only expertise is in flirting, and you still manage to fail spectacularly. I'll take my chances alone.

Argh! That does it, mister. You're coming with me!

I am most certainly- N-now see here! Unhand me!

Hope you didn't have any plans, 'cause if you did, they just got canceled!

Where are you taking me?!

Gerome, my friend? You and I are going to find some ladies!


Oh, yes we are! We're going to find some lovelies and be each other's wingman. Now stop moaning and start walking!

Fate stalks my every step, fool! I've no time for such lunacy!

Look, if you're afraid that I'll get all the girls, you can just say so. I mean, it's okay. Every party has a lonely guy stewing on the sidelines.

I fear nothing but the cold hand of death!

Great! Then let's get going! Okay, the first thing you need is an opening line. Maybe something like... "Do you like tea? Because we like "U"!" ...See, it's an alphabet joke. Girls love puns. It's a known fact.

Idiot! There is no "we" here, and I want no part of this!

Oh, wait! Or you could say... "Hey, baby. Ever ridden a wyvern before?" ... Oh, that's good. I may have to start riding wyverns so I can use that line.

Let me go this instant!

Come on, gramps! Pick up the pace! Those ladies won't hit on themselves!

S-stop! Put me down! Put me dooooown!